Research On the Development Status and Promotion Strategies of Outdoor Adventure Games for Kindergarten Children

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Yuchen Luo
Hongyi Deng


 Active and appropriate adventure games can provide young children with repeated experience and awareness of risk scenarios and opportunities, which cannot be underestimated in terms of children's play, studies have shown that children aged 4-5 years in middle school are very interested in adventure games, Enjoying games with challenges, excitement, and excitement, based on this questionnaire method, the current development of kindergarten adventure games was studied, and the results of the study showed kindergartens The development of the middle school adventure game still has the problems of insufficient adventure game time, lack of adventure materials, parents' excessive prevention of children's safety, and insufficient actual results of the game, so kindergartens need to combine teachers 3. Parents and society provide multi-faceted support to rebuild the cognition of adventure games, provide sufficient adventure game materials and game environments, and effectively promote the development of adventure games for young children so that children have good discrimination and coping skills in the process of facing risks.

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How to Cite
Luo, Y., & Deng, H. (2022). Research On the Development Status and Promotion Strategies of Outdoor Adventure Games for Kindergarten Children. Journal of Research in Multidisciplinary Methods and Applications, 1(3), 01220103003. Retrieved from


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