Design of Amphibious Cleaning Machine

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Changqian Zhou
Dengqiu Ma
Delian Luo
Xiaoli Deng
Libei Zhang
Hai Wu


With the progress of science and technology and the continuous improvement of people 's requirements for natural environmental protection, the research of an automatic identification and tracking, automatic obstacle avoidance, safe and stable, high efficiency, suitable for a variety of working environment of amphibious garbage cleaning machine has become a hot spot, the team for a variety of lakes, narrow rivers, beaches and scenic ponds of solid waste, duckweed pollution research and design a amphibious cleaning machine. At present, many small rivers have a series of problems such as long-term disrepair, serious siltation, sediment pollution and various domestic garbage filling. Small amphibious cleaning equipment is one of the most effective equipment that can operate freely in small rivers. Based on the research of existing amphibious equipment, this project designs an amphibious cleaning ship suitable for efficient cleaning of small river garbage to solve various cleaning and treatment problems such as river water garbage, aquatic corrupt plants and duckweed.

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How to Cite
Zhou , C., Ma, D., Luo , D., Deng , X., Zhang , L., & Wu , H. (2024). Design of Amphibious Cleaning Machine. Journal of Research in Multidisciplinary Methods and Applications, 3(6), 01240306003. Retrieved from


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