Design of Plant Protection Car Based on PLC and Stepper Motor

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Maoyin Tang
Zhenglong Zhu
Lili Guo
Yongxin Zhou
Xinyue Zhao


 Firstly, this paper studies and designs the mechanical structure of a new type of plant protection car, then designs the hardware and software of the four-motor control system of plant protection car, and finally designs the touch screen control interface. The plant protection car designed can solve the problems such as the high price of UAV plant protection and the influence of artificial plant protection on health.

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How to Cite
Tang, M., Zhu, Z., Guo , L., Zhou , Y., & Zhao , X. (2024). Design of Plant Protection Car Based on PLC and Stepper Motor. Journal of Research in Multidisciplinary Methods and Applications, 3(6), 01240306004. Retrieved from


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