Study on the Carbon Footprint of Photovoltaic Modules Based on the Life Cycle Assessment

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Chunxiao Kou


 With the global enhancement of environmental protection awareness and adjustments to the energy structure, solar energy, as a clean and renewable form of energy, is increasingly prominent. Photovoltaic (PV) modules, as the core components of solar power generation systems, have garnered significant attention with regard to their carbon footprint during production and usage, which is a key indicator for measuring environmental impact and sustainability. In the context of the global active promotion of climate governance and strengthening carbon regulation, China, as an important exporter of photovoltaic modules in the world, carries out carbon footprint work and deeply taps the carbon reduction potential of products, which has become the only way to promote the high-quality development of the photovoltaic industry. This paper aims to explore the research progress, influencing factors, and strategies for reducing the carbon footprint of PV modules through the study of relevant project cases, providing references for the sustainable development of the photovoltaic industry.

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How to Cite
Kou , C. (2025). Study on the Carbon Footprint of Photovoltaic Modules Based on the Life Cycle Assessment. Journal of Research in Multidisciplinary Methods and Applications, 4(2), 01250402001. Retrieved from


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