The Numerical Solution of Fractional Convection-Diffusion Problems Using a Second-Order Finite Volume Method

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Ning Wang
Chao Lang


The time second-order characteristic finite volume method is proposed for solving the one-dimensional Riemann-Liouville space fractional convection-diffusion equation. To be specific, by employing the Euler-Lagrange integration approach, the fractional convection-diffusion equation is transformed into a parabolic-like equation, simplifying its numerical treatment. To achieve a high level of time accuracy, the second-order Runge-Kutta method is applied to solve the characteristic line equation, while the Crank-Nicholson implicit scheme is employed to handle the discretized equations efficiently. Furthermore, the parabolic-like equation is discretized utilizing piecewise linear finite elements to ensure the spatial accuracy. Then, a detailed analysis of the coefficient matrix for iterative equation reveals favorable numerical properties that enhance the stability and convergence of the proposed scheme. Numerical examples are given to verify the convergence order of our scheme is O(h^(l+alpha)) in space step and O(tao^2) in time step. The results demonstrate the potential of the proposed method as a powerful and effective tool for solving complex fractional convection-diffusion problems in scientific and engineering applications.

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How to Cite
Wang, N., & Lang, C. (2025). The Numerical Solution of Fractional Convection-Diffusion Problems Using a Second-Order Finite Volume Method. Journal of Research in Multidisciplinary Methods and Applications, 4(2), 01250402003. Retrieved from


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